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Fresh Dirt ~ Echoes of Contemporary Surrealism Alabama Catalog

The 116-page catalog for Fresh Dirt ~ Echoes of Contemporary Surrealism Alabama is now available. It may be ordered through Blurb and includes a PDF version.

The catalog is a compendium of performance, articles, film, and art, including painting, drawing, collage, and mail art, from more than 50 participants worldwide. Photographs of the events showcase the unique emphasis on music and performance in the “Heart of Dixie,” which has deep roots in international surrealism stretching back into the nineteen seventies. The catalog’s diverse content inspires and provokes inquiry and argument, embracing the power of the imagination and the collective phenomenon of possibilities in the world of the surreal.

A copy of the catalog or PDF may be purchased on Blurb.

Catalog and PDF on Blurb

Exhibition works are in the same order as in the catalog and are in the following groups.

Group One

Jesse Narrens, Johnny P. Williams, Davey Williams, Neko Linda Williams, David Coulter, LaDonna Smith, Doug Campbell, Darren Thomas, Doug Coulter, Janice Hathaway, Jean-Jacque Gaudel

Group Two

Taya King, Ghadah Kamal, Davey Williams, Jesse Narrens, Rik Lina, Irene Plazewska, Jay Blackwood, John Welson, LaDonna Smith, Ody Saban, Neko Linda Williams

Group 3

Patrick Hourihan, Janice Hathaway, Rik Lina, Mitchell Pluto, Mohsen Elbelasy, Giorgia Pavlidou, Gregg Simpson, John Richardson, Laura Corsiglia, SI Reasoning, Jaime Alfaro Ngwazí, Johnny P. Williams

Group 4

John Welson, Wedgewood Steventon, Ron Sakolsky, Verónica Cabanillas, Magdalena Benavente, Frank Wright, William Davison, Sherri Higgins, Thomas Mordant, Dada Zilch, Doug Campbell, Janice Hathaway, Johnny P. Williams, Jaime Alfaro Ngwazí, Patrick Hourihan

Audio and Video

SI Reasoning, Michael Flash Mills, Tunç Gençer, Gavin Smith, Daina Kopp, Corran Goulay, Joe Simpkins, Ody Saban, Leila Seri, David Nadeau, Craig Wilson