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Second Night at André Breton Maison ~ April 14, 2024

Presentation, Music, Performance and Video

Pierre Petiot

The second evening began with a presentation by Pierre Petiot about his research Biological Roots of Imagination.

Fresh Dirt

After the completion of Pierre’s presentation, the festivities continued with a solo violin improvisation by LaDonna Smith who was joined in an extended improvisation with Si Reasoning and Turner Williams.

Toward the end of the performance Catherine Belkhodja changed the dynamic of the performance though her expressive voice and movement. Diana Kopp also entered into the improvisation bringing additional spontaneous energy to the event.

Video Screening

The videos screened will be posted when a list is available.

LaDonna Smith, Turner Williams, Si Reasoning © Janice Hathaway
Catherine Belkhodja, LaDonna Smith, Turner Williams, Si Reasoning © Janice Hathaway
Catherine Belkhodja, LaDonna Smith, Turner Williams, Daina Kopp, Si Reasoning © Janice Hathaway
Left to right: LaDonna Smith, Doug Campbell, Pierre Petiot, Olivier Orus, Irene Plazewska, Turner Williams, Janice Hathaway, Latif Yilmaz, Catherine Belkhodja, Daina Kopp © Si Reasoningo.