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Opening Night at André Breton Maison ~ April 14, 2024

Laurent Doucet

The evening’s festivities began with an introduction by Laurent Doucet. Laurent also introduced Mohsen Elbelasy and Ghadah Kamal Ahmed from their location in Egypt.

Laurent Doucet © Janice Hathaway
Mohsen Elbelasy and Ghadah Kamal Ahmed – photographer unknown

Ody Saban

Ody Saban then read in French her manifesto Equality and Solidarity With Our Sisters: Eleven Notes on Surrealism and Feminism. After her reading, Irene Plazewska gave a reading of the manifesto in English.

Ody Saban © Janice Hathaway
Irene Plazewska © Janice Hathaway

Fresh Dirt

The festivities continued with a solo violin improvisation by Fresh Dirt LaDonna Smith who was then joined in an extended improvisation with Si Reasoning and Turner Williams.

LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Turner Williams, LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Si Reasoning, Turner Williams © Janice Hathaway

These improvisations were followed by a Butoh performance by LaDonna along with Si Reasoning and Turner Williams.

Near the end, Oliver Orus and Catherine Belkhodja spontaneously joined evoking an automatic flair and dramatic end to the improvisation.

Si Reasoning, LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Olivier Orus, Si Reasoning, LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Si Reasoning, LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Audience © Janice Hathaway
Si Reasoning, LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Turner Williams, Olivier Orus, Catherine Belkhodja , LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Si Reasoning, Turner Williams, Olivier Orus, Catherine Belkhodja , LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway
Si Reasoning, Turner Williams, Olivier Orus, Catherine Belkhodja , LaDonna Smith © Janice Hathaway

Incantation for Dead Avant-Gardes

Daniel O’Reilly (music), Mariana O’Reilly (dance) performed Incantation for Dead Avant-Gardes with projected images by Mohsen Elbelasy.

Mariana O’Reilly © Janice Hathaway
Mariana O’Reilly © Janice Hathaway


Mariana O’Reilly © Janice Hathaway
Mariana O’Reilly © Janice Hathaway
Mariana O’Reilly © Janice Hathaway

La Sirena

La Sirena Surrealist Group next performed with Doug Campbell dramatically reading poems by Darren Thomas.

Doug Campbell reading work by Darren Thomas © Janice Hathaway
Doug Campbell reading work by Darren Thomas © Janice Hathaway

Daina Kopp performed Hypnagogic Telegram through her electronic cabaret, singing in multiple languages and dancing in period clothing of her own design.

Daina Kopp © Janice Hathaway
Daina Kopp © Janice Hathaway
Daina Kopp © Janice Hathaway
Daina Kopp © Janice Hathaway
Daina Kopp © Janice Hathaway

Pierre Petiot

The evening ended with a talk by Pierre Petiot as he presented About 2023 & 2024 exhibitions + Going further: some ideas by Paul Valéry.